Legacy Insights Blog
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Premier Legacy Law of Denver CO dives into the complexities of intestate succession: learn about the pitfalls of relying on state defaults without putting your own plan in place to protect your loved ones and ensure your wishes are followed.
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Ensure the care of your minor children when you're away with a Delegation of Parental Authority. Learn what to consider when a parent is out of town.
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The relationship between spouses holds a unique significance, this is also the case in the context of estate planning. While you can generally choose to exclude certain individuals from your estate plan—such as parents, siblings, and adult children—special legal protections exist to prevent a spouse from being disinherited.
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Pension and retirement accounts often form a large portion of an individual’s wealth and should be accounted for in an estate plan. The benefit and beneficiary rules applicable to different types of retirement accounts vary and should be discussed with an estate planning attorney, especially with the recent passage of the SECURE Act.
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If you are a millennial, we understand that your concerns may differ from someone of a different generation, and we are here to help you craft an estate plan that protects your future and addresses the things that matter most to you. In this article, read about some important steps you need to take to ensure that you have a comprehensive estate plan.
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